
Handmade Toy Alliance and Etsy

In honor of the Handmade Toy Alliance's Blog Week, I've created an Etsy Treasury featuring HTA members who are also fellow Etsy sellers.  There are some very sweet toys and handmade goods for children, only a few of which I've featured here.

I think my top three favorites are:

The Giving Saving and Spending Tags by MamaRoots.  My kids are just starting to earn allowance and we feel like it's so important to instill in them money management skills at a young age!  Especially the "Giving" part.  :)

Primitive Tetris!  What a great idea!  Remember how addictive Tetris was when you were a kid (ahem, I guess I still am since it's on my IPhone...)?  This fabric game can go along with you to a day at the beach or the park and you don't have to worry about it getting ruined if it gets dirty, sandy or wet.  A great quiet game or something to play solo.  This item is made by Blynken and Nod.  I love her Etsy Bio:

"I do not:
Run the local PTA
Sing on tune
Run a mile in less than 10
Play the banjo
Stick to an organic diet
Always make dinner
Reread the classics at every opportunity

I do:
Bake when I'm stressed
Reuse what I can
Inhale audiobooks while I work
Brainstorm when I should be sleeping
Teach my girls not to litter
Love farmer's markets
Intend to read the PTA newsletters
Enjoy listening to people who can sing on tune
Dance shamelessly when nobody's looking
Love my husband and children and...
LoveLoveLove a good creative project

Amen, sister!

The Stuffed Animal Horse by Woolies.  Since my children are obsessed with horses, I have gained a new appreciation for all things Equine.  The horse is stuffed with soft wool and knit with 100% wool yarn, so I'm automatically in love.  The description states "Spring is brave and strong, and runs free with her band of wild horses."  Spring sounds awesome.

Take a look around at these online shops, and don't forget to leave a comment on the Treasury!  The more clicks and comments this Treasury gets, the more likely Etsy is to feature these HTA members on their front page.

And remember, when you need a gift for someone small, check out all the great Handmade Toy Alliance members on Etsy!


  1. What an honor to be included in this collection of such wonderful handmade goodies!
    Thank you.

  2. +Thank you, Deeds and Petunia, it's an honor to be included in your delightful Treasury!



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